NaBloPoMo (A Day Late!)

Sure, sure. It’s November second, so technically I have already “failed” at NaBloPoMo because I did not make a post on November first. I, however, am not going to let that stop me from doing my best to post every day for the rest of the month.

I would really like to get back into the habit of more regular writing here, and what better way than to do it? Recently, I’ve just gotten into that vicious cycle wherein I haven’t posted much and then I can’t decide whether to rewind and catch up on all the happenings I would have written about had I been writing regularly, or to do a brief set of updates in bullet form, or to just jump right in and write about what’s going on at the moment. I get paralyzed with indecision and feel as if nothing is appropriate or worth writing about, so I write nothing.

The fact, of course, is that it genuinely does not matter what is “worth” writing about on my personal internet web log that only a few other people read. I can write about whatever I feel like writing, whenever I damned well please, right?

Well, except for that one thing I don’t want to write about if people from work are reading.

And that other thing that I don’t want any family members to read.

And all the things I can’t say because, while being mostly about me, they’re also “about” my spouse.

And that thing that I’m not comfortable discussing in front of that one friend.

Well, shit.

Look, I am just going to do my best here. There will always be things it’s unwise to blog about, and I will just have to live with that like everyone else does. I do think the goal of daily posting for the month will help me get over the hurdle of wondering what to write about or how to catch up. I hope that, faced with a daily deadline, I’ll spend less time dithering and just do this thing.

So, why am I starting a day late? Yesterday, on what should have been day one of NaBloPoMo, I did not write a blog post because I was busy helping my BFF and college roommate, Mel, get married! I spent the day getting ready with her and the other ladies, then serving as a bridesmaid in the ceremony, and then dancing the night away. It was fabulous. I’ll post a better recap of the day tomorrow or Tuesday, when I gather my thoughts (and photos) a bit.

Today, CW and I made the drive back home from Richmond, Virginia, where the ceremony was. It took us about ten hours to get back home and, although it’s only 7:23 PM as I type this, it feels so much later. Turning clocks back in the fall always gets me like that — I feel like I should be in bed already. Frankly, I am exhausted. I just wanted to put a short post up here to kick off the “month” of daily posting. I’ve got a full day at work tomorrow and a pretty serious sleep deficit, so I think I’d better hie myself to Bedfordshire.

See y’all here tomorrow.


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